

PHPassLib requires PHP >= 5.3. Due to bugs in PHP’s crypt() function (CVE-2011-2483 and bug #55439). The library test suite is run regularly against both PHP versions 5.3 and 5.4.

Users will also need to have the hash extension installed. It is highly recommended to enable the mcrypt and openssl extensions as well.

Installation Instructions

Using Composer

Composer is an easy way to manage dependencies in your PHP projects. The PHP Password Library can be found in the default Packagist repository.

After installing Composer into your project, the PHP Password Library can be installed by adding the following lines to your composer.json file and running the Composer command line tool:

  "require": {
    "rych/phpass": "3.0.*"

Using PEAR

Installing via PEAR is a simple matter of discovering the PEAR channel and installing the rych/PHPassLib package.

pear channel-discover
pear install rych/PHPassLib